The Settlers 6 Patch 1.8
I bought the settlers rise of an empire gold edition. My computer is more than the recomended and i have 4gb ram using win xp pro which i can only use 3.5gb of ram as i am running in 32bit. The game installed fine and it ran first time i was able to set all the settings and i play single player game.
It plays fine but sometimes i get big blobs of either blue pr green blocking half of screen in different angles. If i use my mouse wheel to zoom in or out it quits.
Settlers 8 Release Date
I will play for a bit and it does it again. Now i think the version of the game i have is 1.6.4287 at least that is what it shows in bottom right corner on game starting page. Well i tried to instal patches from this site and i tried every single one of them and i got the same error box. It says the installed version of settlers- rise of an empire is not compatible with this update.
And it said the same thing for every patch that was on this sie for that game. Can anyone tell me why it says that and will not let me patch? I did not install anything else for this game other than trying to install the patches.
I set the game to all the lowest settings and lowest resolution and then at all the high settings. They both played the same fast and smooth but just that odd blanking out parts of the game until i would zoom in then out then it would go away. Another things some of the graphics on the screen would kind of flicker or look like glittery with the water or certain parts of the land. I want to get this working so i can play the games then go and get the next expansion or part of game that is newer if there are any.
You see i am disabled and confined to my bed 80% of the time and a wheel chair the rest. My playing games helps me pass the long hours of the day and night and it helps me deal with some of my pain i have 24/7. So any help at all would be great. I am on low disability income so i can't buy expensive games so i get the older games that i can afford. Well this is my very first post as i just joined this site today after i installed my game.
I hope i did it right, if not forgive me. I have recently brought the settlers rise of an empire and tried to install it on my windows 7 computer. When I tried to run the game it asked to install a tages driver which my laptop blocked. I was told that downloading the update would solve the problem. But after installing it it came up with the is in the advance section.Trying to get update information to C:UsersHobbzyAppDataLocalTempubiF324.tmp.Found update (Patch, all, all).Trying to download update file from.
Destination: C:UsersHobbzyAppDataLocalTempubiF96C.tmp.exe.Successfully downloaded update file.Verifying downloaded file's CRC: 235b3ba5. Expected: 235b3ba5.Starting update file (C:UsersHobbzyAppDataLocalTempubiF96C.tmp.ex e)Failed to start downloaded update file. File corrupted? (C:UsersHobbzyAppDataLocalTempubiF96C.tmp.ex e)can any one help? No i use no trainer, i have the official game (no eastern realm expansion yet), so it's also not Anzzik's 'fix' either.My gf also has the game and has the same problem on her pc. Also having this problem after purchasing the game.
Thanks to info above deleting the settlers6patch thing worked. This should not be happening anyways.Message you get is installation is newer than the file your trying to update to, of course it is, the games just been installed but still needs patching. Only way I could play is to select no as the answer to update (1.6) would then stay but better than downloading and failing to install the patch.
Wonder how many others have this problem.
What worksInstallSingle player (Campaign)Extensive gameplay (4h straight)What does notNothing (yet).WorkaroundsWhat was not testedMultiplayerHardware testedGraphics:. GPU:.
Driver:Additional CommentsFollowed old process found here in order to fix shadows/terrain issues on map: Install from disc2. Add the following to registry CURRENTUSERSoftwareWineAppDefaultsSettlers6.exeDirect3D set:2.1 'OffscreenRenderingMode'='fbo'2.2 'VideoMemorySize'='256'3. Update to 1.7.1 (if not already).4. Download and install nocd for version 1.5.4 (NOT 1.7.1!!)Then gameplay works just fine.Tested with wine version 1.7.43, 1.7.41 and 1.6.2 which works fine, but 1.8.6 and up to 2.3 has some major graphical glitches which makes the game hardly playable.