Bio Battery Seminar Report Pdf

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A technical presentation on a seminar topic will help an Engineering student to understand the topic well and also gain knowledge about that topic by doing background research. Students can also improve their communication, public speaking and presentation skills by presenting a good seminar topic.But, most engineering students find it difficult in choosing a good seminar topic for presentation. So, to help out all the students, here is the list of latest seminar topics for ECE (Electronics and Communication Engineering) students.NOTE: Feel free to add any interesting topics in the comments section to help out other students. Latest Seminar Topics:.

OLED is latest technology in electronics. They are organic as they are made out of carbon and hydrogen. A series of thin organic films are placed between two conductors. As they emit light, they don’t need back light.

Hence they are thinner and more efficient. Pill camera is the pill shaped camera that can be swallowed and is used in the treatment of cancer,ulcers and anaemia. This Pill can travel into our without causing any harm and takes the images of intestines and send it to the receiver. Solar cell technology can absorb the sunlight and convert it into useful electrical energy. But on the cloudy this cell cannot work. So plastic solar cell was invented.

This can utilise suns energy even on a cloudy day. The bio-chip technology is the emerging technology these days. This paper explains about using it for disease diagnosing,detecting bio terrorists etc.

Bio Battery Seminar Report Pdf

Bio Battery Seminar Report Pdf File

This paper explains about iris recognition algorithms and the results of the experiments conducted on many iris. This paper provides brief explanation about E-waste. E- Waste is going to be generated in large quantity due to the evolution of technology. This paper also explains about recycling of e-waste. Smart note can be used to take the note of everything using a pen and the data is stored in the memory of the pen. It can also take quick note of telephone conversions and it also aids blind people. Optical Ethernet extended LANS to MANs and WANs.


This PPT explains about this optical Ethernet technology. IBOC stand for In Band On Channel. This is a method of transmitting digital and analogue radio signals on the same frequency without allocating other spectrum. Honey pot is a well designed system. It attracts the hackers and monitors the changes done by them to the system. This paper explains the e-textiles technology. It explains the challenges faced, for integrating the electronics into the fabric.

This paper explains the implementation and design of metamorphic robots.metamorphic robot is a collection of independent mechatronic modules. The Electromagnetic Wave bandwidth or Spectrum is an important, precious and a limited resource that must be utilized very carefully. Spectrum Pooling is a strategy of sharing the Radio frequency between two systems without any disputes.

Here an Arm Processor based embedded web server was designed. This is used for monitoring the agricultural applications. Here a multipurpose robot is designed.This multipurpose robot can be used in civil and military applications.

It can handle many military functions like spying enemy, providing night security, etc and civil functions like detecting gas leakage,rescue operations during disasters etc. Nano Technology is expanding to all fields even medicine. Microbivores are nano robots that are injected in patients for a wide range of antimicrobial purposes. Barcodes can be seen every where these days.

Bio Battery Seminar Report Pdf

Barcodes are used for identification in business process.They reduce the human error.This paper explains the basics of barcode technology. Audio spot lighting indicates projecting the audio to a particular like light so that no can hear it.It can be delivered to a particular listener or to an area.: Polytronics refers to polymer electronics.They play a major role in flexible electronics. Energy produced from coal, gas, water will not last as the requirement for energy is always increasing.

Solar Energy has been considered as the cost effective solution. Infrared Plastic Solar Cells are made of conducting plastic (polymer) with power increased conversion efficiency. Paper battery is a ultra thin energy storage device which is very flexible.

Bio Battery Seminar Report Pdf Free

Bio battery.1.Bio battery use biocatalyst, either bio-molecules such asenzymes or even whole livingorganism to catalyze oxidationof bio mass-based materialsfor generating electricalenergy.A bio-battery is an energy storing device that is powered byorganic compounds, usually being glucose, such as the glucose inhuman blood. When enzymes in our bodies break down glucose,several electrons and protons are released. Therefore, by usingenzymes to break down glucose, bio-batteries directly receiveenergy from glucose.

These batteries then store this energy forlater use. This concept is almost identical to how both plants andmany animals obtain energy. Although the batteries are still beingtested before being commercially sold, several research teams andengineers are working to further advance the development ofthese batteries.Carbohydrates (glucose) are broken down to release energy andgenerate electricity.

This bio battery, which is based onmechanisms used in living organism, is not only friendly to theenvironment but also has great potential for use as an energysource. This prototype bio battery has achieved the world’shighest power output of 50 mW.2 when employed for a passivetype.1 system.Background:Bio-Battery generateselectricity fromrenewable fuels(glucose, sucrose, fructose, etc) providing asustained, on-demandportable power source.An electricity shortage is felt most by those whodepend on electricity for heating, cooking, and watersupply. In these circumstances, a sustained energycrisis may become a humanitarian crisis.As it is known that the energy conservation is themajor issue these times so the bio-battery is one of theenergy conservation method. It can save a lot of powerand it is also energy efficient phenomenon.Bio-Batteryis a renewable energy source which is again the majorrequirement of current energy mangement system.Bio-batteries contain an anode, cathode, separator andelectrolyte, which are the basic components to any cellbattery. Each component is layered on top of anothercomponent. Anodes and cathodes are the negative andpositive areas on a battery.

Bio Battery Seminar Report Pdf 2017

The anode is located at the top ofthe battery and the cathode is located at the bottom of thebattery. Anodes are components that allow electrons to flowin from outside the battery, whereas cathodes are devicesthat allow current to flow out from the battery.Between the anode and the cathode lies the electrolytewhich contains a separator.

The main function of theseparator is to keep the cathode and anode separated, toavoid electrical short circuits. This system as a whole, allowsfor a flow of protons (H+) and electrons (e-) whichultimately generate electricity.Bio batteries are heavily based on the amount ofglucose available. This glucose (sugar) can be providedfrom nearly anything, including soda, waste materials(such as old papers), or the glucose in livingorganisms.The decomposition of materials to glucose(if they are not already in the proper stage) is the mainstep in getting the cycle started. Materials can beconverted into glucose through the process ofenzymatic hydrolysis.