Woodies Cci System Pdf
Most traders question every single reason why things work in a trading system. I think that is good.
You should understand why and how everything you do works. However, don’t let this get in your way of learning and adopting a trading system that has proven to work with an expectation of positive results. Woodies CCI system is just that type of trading system.
Consider paper trading it until you see this for yourself. Learn and understand the system as you progress. Don’t question it all at once. Follow the guidelines without question while doing so. You will learn the how and why it works as you progress.
For example, do not focus on trying to get your brain to understand that “Losses are a part of trading” or “Keep losses small and let profits run” or “Do not over trade”, etc. You have already been told about these things hundreds of times and it is probably still not working for you. Why keep trying? Vista verde resort cainta. Just follow Woodies CCI and this is all taken care of for you.
His system defines all the rules needed for an entire trading system so that you do not have to think. All you do is just react to the signals and you will be fine.
One of the incredible secrets to Woodies CCI is that it defines things into terms never used before and removes the things that just serve to confuse you. This way you cannot carry your previous hang-ups over into this trading system. For example, you have probably been taught how to trade bear flags, gaps and wedges over 50 different ways. So which one do you end up doing? A new method each time maybe? That’s the problem. And now you have learned so much about everything that you can’t follow simple rules.
Forget all that. Woodies CCI defines things in new terms so that you will not get confused. I know you probably want to make this hard. You want to add indicators, watch prices, not use hard stops, not get out of losing trades when you see the exit signal and also want to over trade your account to death because it feels like you are doing something. You want to watch lots of chat rooms all day long and listen to everything they say. You want to watch news, TV and talk on the phone.
Woodies Cci Mt4
You want to make the most fancy charts and have super cool features and alerts too. Do not make this hard. This is a simple system that works very well. Follow the guidelines without thinking, adding or complicating things and this will not happen. This document is very strict.
It does not beat around the bush. It does not suggest or hint at what to do. It tells you exactly what to do. So follow it. Woodies CCI is very simple.
This document has many added explanations and constantly repeats important information in hopes of providing you the knowledge and courage to follow Woodies CCI only. Do not mix trading methods.
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Trading Woodies Cci System
As soon as you become profitable at paper trading with this document then you can decide how you want to trade. Until then just follow the guidelines.