General Relief Programs
Do not provide your account information by text or over the phone to unknown callers. Sacramento County will not send text or email messages asking you to provide your account information. 2700 Fulton Ave.Sacramento, CA 95821Hours7:30am-4:00pm10013 Folsom BlvdRancho Cordova, CA 95827Hours7:50am-4:00pm1725 28th StSacramento,CA 95816Hours7:45am-4:00pm3960 Research Dr.Sacramento,CA 95838Hours7:30am-4:00pm5747 Watt Ave.North Highlands,CA 95660Hours7:30am-4:00pm2450 Florin RoadSacramento,CA 95822Hours7:30am-4:00pm210 North Lincoln Way Galt, CA 95632Hours8:00am-4:00pmHealth Insurance Assistance: Financial assistance to reduce the cost of health insurance is available to individuals and families whose income is below or at 400% of the Federal Poverty Level. Visitfor more information.The County Medically Indigent Services Program provides medically necessary care to all eligible indigents who are residents of Sacramento County. It is a program of “last resort” available to residents who do not have or are not eligible for other health care coverage.
Persons who need to apply for health care coverage programs including CMISP may do so at the time they request medical services.Medi-CalFresh Service Center(916) 874-3100 or(209) 744-0499 (for those in 209 area code)TDD/TTY, Hearing Impaired(916) 874-2599Services provided by theare for cases managed by Sacramento County only.If you are receiving only Medi-Cal and/or CalFresh benefits from the Department of Human Assistance, you no longer need to come to our offices. Just call the Medi-CalFRESH Service Center with all your Medi-Cal/ CalFresh needs.
Paying Back General Relief
Anyone who answers the Medi-CalFresh Service Center line can help you immediately.The Medi-CalFresh Service Center is available to assist Medi-Cal and/orclients only. If you are receiving, please contact your CalWORKs worker to resolve your issue.Laverne Adolfo Housing Programs for Former Foster YouthThe Adolfo program provides transitional housing and supportive services to former foster youth in the age range of 18 years and up to the 24th birthday for Transitional Housing and through 24 years for Permanent Supportive Housing.For transitional housing information please call(916) 879-1784 and for permanent supportive housing information, please call(916) 453-2900.DHA can assist you with the following:Available benefits are primarily from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), but we also assist in obtaining earned veterans' benefits from the State of California and local government entities.Veterans Services is also responsible for administering the College Fee Waiver Program for Veterans' Dependents. This program is afforded to spouses, unmarried surviving spouses, and children of service-connected disabled or service related deceased veterans. Eligible dependents are not required to pay 'mandatory system wide' tuition and fees while attending either a California community college, a campus of the California State University (Cal State) system, or a campus of the University of California (UC) system.