Career Orientation Program In The Philippines
The is a flagship program of the Department of Education (DepEd), which introduces the additional two (2) years of Senior High School (SHS) – Grades 11 and 12. Through the K to 12, learners are equipped to be holistically developed Filipinos with 21st Century Skills.2. With the end view of the full implementation of SHS in SY 2016-2017, the DepEd shall ensure that all Grade 10 completers, including those who are outside the formal education system, are enrolled in the SHS. Furthermore, the DepEd, through the SHS CGP, shall assist SHS entrants in making informed decisions regarding their choice of track and promote awareness in the importance of choosing a track that suits their skills and interests that matches the available resources and needs of the society.3. In view of the above, this Order aims to establish a set of guidelines for the conduct of the Senior High School Career Guidance Program and Early Registration in preparation for the full implementation of SHS in SY 2016-2017.
Scope of the Policy4. This DepEd Order provides for the establishment of a policy that articulates a detailed set of guidelines for the DepEd offices, public and private schools, and other stakeholders in the conduct of the SHS CGRP and Early Registration in preparation for the full implementation of SHS in SY 2016-2017. Policy Statement5. The DepEd hereby establishes a policy that provides for a set of guidelines for the conduct of the SHS CGP and Early Registration in preparation for the full implementation of SHS in SY 2016 – 2017. Specifically, it shall.
Assist Senior High School entrants in making informed decisions regarding their choice of SHS track;b. Promote awareness in the importance of choosing a track that suits their skills and interests that matches the available resources and needs of the society; andc.
Ensure that all Senior High School entrants are registered in the SHS program in SY 2016-2017. With the aim of assisting Grade 10 students, schools are required to conduct activities under the CGP. This program will promote awareness in the importance of choosing a career that suits their skills and interests that matches the available resources and needs of the society.One of the activities in the CGP is the conduct of the Grade 10 Career Guidance Manual (Annex 1), which shall be delivered by the class adviser during the weekly Homeroom Guidance.
This Grade 10 Career Guidance Manual contains three (3) modules: a) Embarking on a Journey of Self-Awareness; b) Examining the Destinations; and c) Charting Your Own Course. Also, a student primer containing important information regarding Senior High School and its tracks will be provided before the implementation of Module 2. This student primer must be distributed to all Grade 10 students/SHS entrants.
To: UndersecretariesAssistant SecretariesEducation Minister, BARMMBureau and Service DirectorsRegional DirectorsSchools Division SuperintendentsPublic and Private Elementary and Secondary School HeadsAll Others Concerned. The School Year (SY) 2019-2020 shall formally open on Monday, June 3, 2019 and shall end on Friday, April 3, 2020. It shall consist of 203 school days, inclusive of the five-day In-Service Training (INSET), the three days for the Parent-Teacher Conferences to be conducted within the school year, and the World Teachers’ Day; provided, that during the five-day INSET, students shall be given advance reading for the attainment of learning objectives. Private schools may deviate from this School Calendar. However, they may not start classes earlier than the first Monday of June nor later than the last day of August, as provided in Republic Act (R.A.) No. 7797 entitled An Act to Lengthen the School Calendar from Two Hundred (200) Days to Not More Than Two Hundred Twenty (220) Class Days. Said schools should notify in advance their respective regional offices (ROs) regarding any deviation from the school calendar.
The Implementing Guidelines on the SY 2019-2020 Calendar of Activities are provided in Enclosure No. 1 to enable the schools to effectively and efficiently implement the school events and activities. Likewise, the guidelines shall allow the ROs and the schools division offices to provide support to schools, particularly in the areas of instruction, and progress monitoring and evaluation.
Schools may observe national and local celebrations other than those indicated in Enclosure Nos. 2 and 3, provided that these are beneficial to the learners. In this regard, ROs may issue a supplemental calendar to reflect their local events.
To compensate for unplanned suspension of classes such as natural and man-made calamities, the Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) or make-up classesare recommended to be undertaken. The conduct of such activities must be agreed upon by school heads, teachers and concerned parents. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.LEONOR MAGTOLIS BRIONESSecretaryEncls.: As stated. IMPLEMENTING GUIDELINES ON THE SCHOOL CALENDARFOR SCHOOL YEAR 2019-2020I. The Department of Education (DepEd) ensures the effective implementation of the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum for every learner to acquire quality, accessible, relevant, and liberating basic education. The implementation of the K to 12 Curriculum provides opportunity and sufficient time for the learner to acquire and master lifelong learning skills for the 21st century as well as time for other learning opportunities beyond the classroom for more holistic development, and/or to prepare the graduates for higher education, middle level skills development, and the world of work.
Hence, schools are encouraged to adhere to the school calendar to comply with the required number of school days for the optimum attainment of the learning standards as well as to ensure the observance of national/local school events and activities/celebrations. The school calendar also reflects the events and monthly celebrations/observances for the year. The policy aims to provide direction and guidance to schools in planning their respective activities relative to curricular operations and other celebrations/observances within the required number of school days.II.
The implementing guidelines for this school calendar shall be applicable to both public and private elementary and secondary schools nationwide.4. Private schools may deviate from this School Calendar.
However, they may not start classes earlier than the first Monday of June nor later than the last day of August, as provided in Republic Act (RA) No. 7797 entitled An Act to Lengthen the School Calendar from Two Hundred (200) Days to Not More than Two Hundred Twenty (220) Class Days. Said schools should notify in advance their respective regional offices (ROs) regarding any deviation from the school calendar. Co-curricular Activities– activities and learning experiences that are undertaken side by side with the curricular activities. These learning experiences complement what learners are learning in school.c. Curricular Activities– opportunities and experiences undertaken by the learners in the classrooms, laboratories, and workshops, as well as school-based and out-of-school activities conducted to ensure the learners’ acquisition of the K to 12 learning standards and the 21st century skills.d.
Early Language Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (ELLNA)– an assessment administered at the end of Grade 3 as a key stage assessment to determine if learners are meeting the learning standards in early language, literacy, and numeracy. Exit Assessment– a standardized set of examinations taken by learners in Years 6, 10, and 12. The test, which covers the 21st century skills, is designed to determine if learners are meeting the learning standards set forth in the K to 12 Basic Education Program.f.
In-Service Training (INSET) – a learning and development activity for teachers and staff that may include seminars, workshops, conferences, exhibitions and Learning Action Cells that are designed to update their knowledge, skills and competencies that will result to considerable evidence of improved teaching-learning and instructional leadership practices which enhance learners’ performance and competency levels.g. National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE)– an aptitude test geared towards providing information through test results for self-assessment, career awareness, and career guidance of Grade 9 students of the K to 12 Program.h. Parent-Teacher Conference– an opportunity to bring parents and teachers together in partnership to support learners’ academic success and happiness. Teachers shall discuss with the parents the academic progress and social behavior of their children and showcase the outputs of the learners.
The School Year (SY) 2019-2020 shall formally open on Monday, June 3, 2019 and shall end on Friday, April 3, 2020. It shall consist of 203 school days, inclusive of the five-day In-Service Training (INSET), the three days for the Parent-Teacher Conferences to be conducted within the school year, and the World Teachers’ Day; provided, that during the five-day INSET, students shall be given advance reading for the attainment of learning objectives.8. Corollary to the K to 12 goal for the holistic development of the learner, schools are encouraged to organize curricular non-classroom-based activities that involve learners such as science fairs, showcase of portfolios, trade fairs, school sports, campus journalism, festival of talents, job fairs, career orientation, and other similar activities.9. Parent-Teacher Conferences shall be done every Second Saturday after the Quarterly Examinations, except on the last conference in April 2020. It will be used as a venue to apprise the parents on the performance of their children and ensure their involvement in school activities. These conferences shall be conducted alongside with the Distribution of Report Cards and conduct of curricular non-classroom-based activities where feasible and appropriate. A general assembly shall be conducted by all schools at the beginning of the school year to orient stakeholders on the vision, mission, and core values of DepED, as well as curriculum, co-curricular programs, and ancillary services that support learners’ development and other continuous improvement initiatives, and to generate proposals.
A year-end General Assembly is also encouraged to present the School Report Card (SRC) and consult the assembly on how to better achieve the vision, goals, and objectives.11. Deworming of children in school shall be conducted in the months of July 2019 and January 2020.12.
Career guidance activities shall be conducted between July and November 2019 to guide Grades 9 and 10 students in making informed choices on their preferred Senior High School track. College and middle level skills fair, job fair, business and entrepreneurship expo, and similar activities shall be conducted during the last quarter of the school year to ensure placement of Grade 12 students in their preferred curriculum exits.13. At the end of the Second Quarter, a semestral break for learners shall be observed to evaluate individual teachers and their collective performance, as well as to conduct the School-based In-Service Training (INSET) activities for their continuing professional development and for the preparation of their Instructional Materials (IMs). The Christmas break shall begin on Sunday, December 15, 2019. Classes shall resume on Monday, January 6, 2020.15.
To ensure quality of learning, formative assessments shall be regularly conducted by the teachers. In preparation for the opening of classes for the coming SY 2020-2021, the schools shall conduct the following activities:a. Early Registration of learners beginning on the last Saturday of January in the schools where they wish to study, as stipulated in DepEd Order No.
Brigada Eskwela (date to be announced) to enable the community and the school to prepare their facilities before the start of another school year.20. In Enclosure No. 2, a calendar is presented with the following markings on relevant dates:a. Declared holidays and weekdays with no classes ( x).b. Days with school activities for teachers, personnel, and other stakeholders ( □)c.
Days that are subject to Presidential Proclamation ( +). Attached is Enclosure 3 listing the celebrations/observances provided by law. Schools are encouraged to integrate such celebrations/observances in curricular activities as reasonable and appropriate.VI.
Career Guidance Advocacy Program Objectives
Monitoring and Evaluation22. The Curriculum Learning Management Division of the ROs and the Curriculum Implementation Division of the SDOs shall monitor the compliance of schools with the provisions of these guidelines.
Names For Orientation Programs
Queries on these guidelines shall be addressed to the Office of the Director IV, Bureau of Learning Delivery, via email address or at telephone numbers 637-4346 and 637-4347.