Boenninghausen Therapeutic Pocket Book Pdf

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Don’t have an account? Not only are these endnotes invaluable in solving the case but also a great deal can be gleaned from studying them individually. A decade later indue to a growing demand, the 2nd edition was published after a complete re-checking and correction against the newly accessed original TT manuscript, adding many more explanatory endnotes and references to materia medica original sources.I was very pleased to find this site. But I’ve gotten used to that.It is not a matter for controversy, since Boenninghausen devoted all the time he had to the promulgation of the work which he held so dear.

  1. Homeopathic Therapeutic Book Pdf

January 31, at 4: April 16, at The second marriage brought him four sons and five daughters. The many travelling with this position gave him an excellent opportunity to study the flora and he published a book about it, named: Contribution in the field of philosophy Boenninghausen introduced certain concepts and doctrines while constructing his repertory.With time his fame reached France, Holland and America. Roberts, and an Indian edition of the same from about It was diagnosed as purulent tuberculosis.Edited by George Dimitriadis. Customers who bought this item also bought.

Boenninghuasen errors had crept in over the years – mistakes in translation, printing errors and lack of reliability due to uncertified additions having appeared over the years. The family traced its lineage through Westphalia and Austrian ancestry, one ancestor having been appointed as Field Marshal by Ferdinand II of Austria in boenminghausen The Mind section is here. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website.

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Hi All,I'm looking to buy Boenninghausen's Therapeutic Pocket Book and also, his Repertory.I already have Lesser Writings.I found Boenninghausen's Rep on - but it costs $135!!!I found Boenninghausens TherapeuticPocket Book (T.Allen) on Ainsworth's site - for only £8!!!! - so I've ordered that one, but it just occured to me - is THIS the one? Hans, Louise?Does anyone know where to find a copy of Bn's Rep??

If so, could ya let me know - err - for less than $135 - yowsa - a bit's hoping. Thanks Divina,I have their catalogue - and am unsure because I don't find the title as I know it. And there is no year that it was orginally published in the catalogue!Here is what I found:'Boenninghausen's Characteristics and Repertory Ind, 1262 pgs, hb, Clements Franz Maria von Boenninghausen became one of the most important homeopaths of the 19th century after his tuberculosis was cured by homeo.This treatise contains a 140 remedy MM with a 963 page Repertory. The Bn method emphasises modalities and the characteristic aspects of symptoms.

Boenninghausen Therapeutic Pocket Book Pdf

This Rep has particular utility when the symptoms in the case are incomplete.' No date of publication.just ain't sure about itBJain's website is bjainindia.comtheir email isfor those who don't have it.If I find out more, I'll post here.I'm realising there are several editions and the newer one - I'm just not interested in (that was the one that is so expensive, BTW - and it isn't because of the cost.just call me a purist ) 16 June 2001: Message edited by: LisaAnnan. Is this what you were after:quote:Displaying books where:Author is Boenninghausen, Clemens, Baron Von.Title is BOENNINGHAUSEN'S CHARACTERISTICS AND REPERTORY; Translated, compiled and augmented by C. Boger, with a historical sketch of Boenninghausen's life by T. Bradford.Book is usedMatching books for sale Click the price to find out about a choice (Step 3 of 3)Used Books: 1-1 of 1# Bookseller Notes Price1 Reading Mattersvia Antiqbook New Delhi. Jain Publishers.

Revised & enlarged ed., reprinted. $40.00( All matching used books shown ) Go to and type in Boenninghausen's name in the Author (the above was the second search entry) or try A lot of second hand books can be found there. As the above was listed as $120 as new from BJBain, you could save yourself a lot of money.Cheers,S 17 June 2001: Message edited by: Simone 17 June 2001: Message edited by: Simone. Hi Lisa,As far as I know, there are various old editions of the Bonninghausen's repertory:1. The original one: 'Therapeutic Pocket Book' (TPB), first published in 1846. Translated into English by various people. I have one translated by Allen - this seems to be a fairly common one in the market.

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(It costs me only A$5 here in Sydney!!!)2. Then there is the Boger's edition. It has many additions. Commonly known as the Boger-Bonninghausen Repertory. This is quite huge in size usually, thicker than a typical notebook.I got Allen's TPB last year but find it very difficult to use because of the lack of a table of content.

Boenninghausen therapeutic pocket book

Then it sits on the shelf for some time. Until last month, I went to a seminar given George Dimitriadis, a Sydney homeopath. It's the BEST homeoopathic seminar I've been to in the last 2-3 years, because.George has spent 5 years going through the entire original TPB, verify every remedy under each rubric and make a lot of corrections. He has work with a group led by G-H Gypser in Germany. Finally, their work come out last year with a German edition by Gypser and an English edition by G Dimitriadis. In the seminar, I (and many other students and experienced homeopaths) are well impressed by his meticulous hardwork.

He has reorganized the whole repertory to make it more sensible and accessible, written notes for corrections and explanations of EACH rubric, documented all the changes he has made to the book. His aim - was to bring the TPB back to its deserved accuracy as first developed by Bonninghausen.Dimitriadis claimed that he has been using solely the Bonninghausen's method and the TPB only in the last few years with significantly increased success. The accuracy of the method, the logic of the method was well explained in the seminar (and also in the introduction of the book).I have been using this new this last month for whatever case I come across (not too much, though, as a final year student and not practising yet). The results and working process are much effective than before.If you're after an accurate Bonninghausen repertory, I do suggest you seriously look at Dimitriadis's edition. It's not cheap though. A$180 or so!! But I do not regret.

I gain more confidence and success in treating friends and family members, and pretty sure with my future clients.The book is currently sold only through Hahnemann Institute, Sydney. Email: I think they can send you an introduction of the book.Best regards.

Thanks for that info Arden. I read something about George's work on - written as a book review for Homeopathy Today (Julian Winston).

I believe it is the same book.and their price is $135 (US).I would like to hear from someone I trust (ha!)- I suppose. I mean - these books come out and so and so says they have done this or that - and it all sounds good.then we find out later, maybe it isn't so accurate?

I'm not saying THIS book wasn't researched - but I guess I was thinking, it would be good to get an older edition - learn that.and then move to the newer version when I can actually judge for myself if it seems to be accurate.All this talk about how so many mistakes are in the repertories is really niggling at me!! Also, this isn't the first time I've heard about using the TPB method and one's practise becoming more successful (as in cures) as a result. It seems to me, that this method is 'Hahnemannian'.and Kent's is a slight variation - e.g. The change in the grading of symptoms, etc. (Not saying Kent is 'bad' just that hearing all this stuff about him adding rubrics on clinical experience without actually having proved substances amongst a few other things.well. And hey, let's face it - his philosophy lectures are brilliant, imo, but I just want to see things as they really are - not lean only 'one way' or the 'other'.)Anyhow, I want to learn what I can from all these sources, but it seems to me at this point in my studies, that Boenninghausen understood what Hn meant in Par 153- and most subequent Homeopaths have complicated the process in their efforts to simplify it!! Talk about irony.I'm also wondering how useful Kent's Rep is (or isn't).just so much to really think about at this stage of my studies.

I guess it will really be a matter of researching this sort of thing for myself - and learning it all, literally, on my own.I'm grateful for those who do know something about this though. And I appreciate that they are willing to share the fruits of their own path to understanding this! Hans is one - but there are some others (not on this bb) that I've come into contact with as well.sign me,wistful sigh.will I ever get there? A quick history of the Therpeutic Pocketbook(=TT:First published in 1846 in 3 languages at the same time. Then independant American and English editions. The last one was Allens 1897, which was greatly changed(valuation and remedies).A copy of This edition is now sold as Boenninghausen's Therapeutic Pocketbook (cheap) from B,Jain Publishers. Dr, carrol Dunham, a american Homeopath visited Boenninghausen around 1861 and copied out all the changes BOe.

Made in his own copies (unfortunately lost).1904 Boger used this Dunhamcopy for his Boger-Boenninghausens Characteristics and Repertory (=All english Therapeutic-Pocketbook Rubrics are included)and included also all the other Boenninghausen repertories. This 1904 ed. Has been greatly enlarged after Boger's death in the first indian edition 1937, with material Boger had already compilated for the use of this edition. All further editions are identical to this 1937 edition in the repertorial and the Materia-medica part. So it is possible to work with it like the TT-book, using only the main rubrics.the new based on the 1846 version of the TT.

Aditions were made of a Dunham-copy, which was found in England and footnoted. The original Concordances were replaced by the less detailed remedy-relationships.(The original ones are found in the BB-rep, unchanged)This book of the Whoupingcough is very valuable even nowadays in any kind of cough or astma case. I still keep the thank-you-card as a booksign in my 1860 copy, which i send out to a friendly homeopath, when all of his children had the Whoupingcough. Thanks to the information contained in the book all got over it without any problems. Hi All,I'm not against 'creative prescribing' as suggested by Sholten and Sankaran, etc. And described by David and Ricky on this board. In fact, I got a prescription from my homeopath for myself with this method and work pretty brilliantly in the last 2 months after years of homeopathic treatment.

It's a very old remedy, but chosen with Scholten's idea. Without that I don't think it'd ever be picked up.Having said that, as a student in a college well dominated by the mental / emotional approach (or they may call it 'constituional, classical homeopathy', I find it depressing when prescriptions in the clinic by our supervisor is often based on much interpretation (sometimes it can be theorization) of he case.


Homeopathic Therapeutic Book Pdf

Though this often work very well (as can be seen in the results), students would end up wonder, will I ever achieve the same success? Will it take me 10 years or more to become a successful prescriber?? (whatever way you may want 'success' mean)What, as a student, I am looking for is an accurate method and an accurate repertory. I know that the final decision is in the Materia Medica (proving symptoms if you want to be very accurate).Whether you clinical symptoms, creative speculations as from Sholten, etc.

Is another question.Back to George Dimitriadis' book.Hans has mentioned Carroll Dunham's copy of Bonninghausen's additions. Gypser and Dimitriadis has actually found it!! However, they both come to the conclusion that it's not that reliable - the information may be not actually from Bonninghausen. Gypser and DImitriadis have included the Dunham changes in their edition, but all with footnote - so that readers can decide for themselves whether to trust/ use these changes or not.Talking of 'origninal' editin. I think it's Dimitriadis /Gypser's greatest contribution.

They found quite a few mistakes in the earlier editions of the Bonninghausen's Repertory andd corrected. This could be the confusion of Bell and Hell in printing, or remedy in the wrong rubric, etc. I don't think that it's contamination of the originality of the original work, but rather a restoration to the original purity. I feel comfortable that all they corrections are referenced, so that you can always judge for yourself.The 'structure' of the Gypser / Dimitriadis edition is changed from the earlier additions, but the info is not. If you already have some experience with other editions of TPB or Kent's, Synthesis, Synthetic, Complete Repertory, etc, it's a bit effort to adapt, but then it'll be fine.Also, beware if you're using computer programs.

An experienced Sydney Bonninghausen practitioner has bought a well known repertory program in order improve the efficiency of repertorization. But soon after using the repertory, she found out that there are mistakes in the electronic version (in the Boger-Bonninghausen repertory, compared to the printed edition) and the author of the software did admit it! This Sydney homeopath asked for a refund, but the software company has refused!! Dear Arden,I was trained in Sydney too, at the Sydney College of Homoeopathic Medicine.

What college are you attending? May I ask who the Supervisor is? I know I felt the same way when I saw Peter Tuminello's cases, he seemed to operate on this different level, using mental symptoms in very lateral ways. I agree that it is often difficult for students, or even new practitioners to grasp it sometimes.The problem with homoeopathy is that it IS as much an art as a science, and that no method will give 100% results. It takes a deep and complex understanding of human problems and conditions just to deal with the patients, much less then find a remedy to help.

But it is the understanding of the patient which will help YOU the most, the method is useless if the understanding is flawed.There isn't really a mathematical approach to homoeopathy, which makes it hard to learn. HalloArdenAbout the reliability of the original sources. After the new TT was published, it occured, that the manuscribt for the 1846 version still exists in the Institute in Stuttgart. A college went there and made a photcopy.Compared with the 1846 version there were about 2 changes per page.So-I spoke to the leader of the german publishing group about the whole complex of the Dunham copy. He claimed, that the copy they had was one of Dunhams own copies without any doubt-Still it represents the stage 1860-, thats why these aditions were footnoted.

Some questions will remain.On a more general note,i think Homeopathy as a method to treat diseases can be taught, not so the art of different aproaches. It makes no sense to me to know all about the art without first beeing a good craftsperson.

Many of those rather artistic homeopaths had thorough knowledge and experience in the craft previously.